Showing posts with label hopeful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hopeful. Show all posts

Friday, January 29, 2021

Back to the Drawing Board......

Well we got that dreaded phone call again! This week my oncologist called to share the results of my most recent CT scan. These scans are regularly scheduled on a quarterly basis to keep track of the progress/lack of progress of my cancer treatment. You might remember that after my last CT scan, we got a call from my oncologist a day later with bad news. He regrettably explained that my current treatment wasn't working to halt the growth of my cancer tumours and therefore this  line of treatment would have to be discontinued and I was started on the third line of treatment option, or what we affectionately called "Plan C". He indicated that this was the last line of defense that they have available and approved to deal with my cancer. With it came the return of 'bottle buddy', the PICC line back in and bi-weekly trips to the chemo suite! We'd been on this path for about 3 months, and it was time for another scan.

This time around we got no early phone call after my CT scan. This had to mean that this was good news, right?  I was wrong! It was not good news.

On the scheduled call, he indicated that the third line of treatment I was currently on was unfortunately providing mixed results. Although most of my tumours remained stable, the tumours in my liver were actually growing. Not by much, but they were continuing to grow. This meant that this line of treatment wasn't being successful. It was not doing its job.  

Disappointing news for sure and very upsetting for our family. What was next? Was there a plan D for me? This third line of treatment was considered the final level 
of defense for esophageal cancer.  What I have going for me, is that despite what the CT scan is showing, I feel pretty well and functioning as normal.  But no doubt about it, cancer in your liver is not good news. I have once again been referred to the Princess Margaret Hospital to seek eligibility in some newer and earlier phase cancer clinical trials that hopefully this time I will qualify for. Our hope is that there will be one that is safe, appropriate for me and has some promising results. Fingers crossed.

I guess I should consider myself lucky. Most patients with esophageal cancer don't make it this far or for this long. I am truly an outlier! This was our hope and dream. I guess we will now need to be  trailblazers too!  With persistence, a positive attitude, the love and strength of my wife and family and just a little bit of luck, I will continue to be a positive outlier! 

Staying positive, staying hopeful and planning to pave a new trail for myself and others to come! 

Thank you for your continued care and concern. It is so much appreciated.

Plan D, here I come!
