Showing posts with label trial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trial. Show all posts

Friday, October 30, 2020

Our Life is like a Roller Coaster!

This week's blog comes courtesy of My Michelle. 

As we navigate through this crazy journey we are on, there are no better words to describe our life right now, other than to say "life is like a roller coaster".  We  seem to circle around and around, with dizzying climbs and what feels like free falls, only to start to climb again. We go up and then we go down and each ride seems to get bigger, faster, more complex and scarey.

Richard has shared over the last few weeks that he has been off treatment, as we have been tested and biopsied and explored clinical trial options. I say "we", because honestly, although it is him that is the one being tested, I swear I feel almost every one.  We had been going back and forth into Toronto for various tests, not the least of which was a late night CT scan.  Who knew they would do these procedures late at night for non emergency patients?  I was driving him home after the procedure and we were heading up the DVP,  both tired and in our own thoughts when he quietly said to me "how did we get here?".  I knew he didn't mean literally here on the DVP, but rather how we had reached this moment and having to deal with this in our lives.

Unfortunately our week didn't start off well as we got "the call" that Richard screened out of the clinical trial.  While we were disappointed, we had previously talked as a family about how this was a possibility, how we were concerned with Richard being off chemo for a month and our need to have that conversation with the oncologist and to get on with the next steps.  Despite knowing it was a possibility to screen out, we teetered at the top of ride and then we definitely felt like we were in a bit of a free fall.

Within minutes our phone rang again with a call from his team at Southlake, appointments and infusion times were set with the next line of approved care being booked.  The free fall  slowed and we felt somewhat reassured that there is a next step for us, that there is a plan and there are still treatments that can be taken.  

Richard looks and feels very good, although tired, but honestly who wouldn't be!  Of course we are very worried, but he is pumped, he is determined, he is ready to get back at it this week and show that cancer who's the boss!

So here we go, back on the roller coaster, in that front car, hearing that click-click-click as we climb this next challenge on our journey, me white knuckled and holding on, Richard with his hands in the air and away we go (again)!  

That's how our life is right now, a roller coaster ride.

Just hold on!

