Friday, February 26, 2021

Supporting My Local Hospital & Cancer Centre

No update to share as of yet on my biopsy results. My oncologist called me today to let me know that the lab is reanalyzing the sample. The results must be really close and they want to be totally sure of the results as this will determine which next path I will take in my cancer treatment. 

Supporting My Local Hospital- Southlake Regional Health Centre

I am so fortunate to have a hospital in my local community that has a regional cancer centre attached. This has meant the world to me, as I can attend appointments, tests and treatments with limited worry and relative ease. No long commutes, hefty parking fees or hours on the road going to and from treatments. This also means that my family is always close by. A blessing for sure. I am so fortunate so I want to ensure that others who may need our hospital, can get the same support that I am currently receiving, especially from the Stronach Cancer Centre with excellent, modern and up to date facilities and the wonderful, helpful caring staff.  

In my previous post, Supporting Cancer Research, I talked about the various cancer charities that I have supported over the years, not knowing that one day, I would myself be needing to rely on these resources for my own personal health. Our family had planned to participate in the Southlake 5K Run/Walk last year. Unfortunately due to COVID this event had to be cancelled. I am happy to announce that the Erdmann's have signed up again this year for the virtual version of this event. We invite you to join us!

This years event is called Run for Southlake Virtual Challenge. Michelle and I have created our own Virtual Challenge team called Richard's Roadrunners. We are always looking for people to join our team and cause. Between April 12th and May 9th our team have committed to focus on being physically active, supporting our personal wellbeing by eating well, being physically active, building our walking endurance & going the distance. We hope to record at least 40 km of walking during the four week event.

We invite you to join us!   You can find our team registration information here. We would love to have you join us virtually and set up your own goals. Lets achieve this together and raise money at the same time. Alternatively, if you can't commit to being apart of our team but would like to make a donation to the cause, you can do so here: 

Donation to Run for Southlake Virtual Challenge. Please be sure to donate under our team name Richard's Roadrunners. Our goal is to raise one thousand dollars for Southlake Regional Health Centre. We are almost halfway there already! Thanks to those that have already sponsored me, Michelle or our team. We really appreciate it. 

We will keep you updated on our progress in an upcoming blog post, once the event has begun. 

Thanks everyone and get your runners on!

Beep! Beep! Go Roadrunners!


Friday, February 19, 2021

Sometimes I forget!

It's true! Sometimes I forget that I have cancer. Hard to believe right? It is strange. It might be just for a few minutes during the day or sometimes, when I am lucky, for longer periods of time. There are days, when I can almost get through the entire day without thinking about cancer or my own personal circumstances. These are special moments. They are carefree moments. They are 'normal' moments. They provide a much needed escape from reality, my reality. Often they occur when I am distracted, busy or thinking of others. I talked about finding distractions in one of my previous blogs. I must say that it is getting harder and harder to find these lasting moments of distraction, especially as I wait for next steps in my cancer journey. I am thankful that they they still provide me with some respite from my reality.

Unfortunately there are also constant reminders or prompts that pop up all the time that quickly bring me back to reality! It might be a zap or a pain in my body or a telephone call that seems to come out of the blue, to book another appointment or to share some recent results. It can even be a television commercial about cancer treatments, cancer lotteries or donating to cancer causes. It is amazing how many commercials there are about cancer when you pay attention and notice them. Let me tell you that you can't get through an episode of Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy or Sunday Morning (our latest obsessions) without seeing a commercial about cancer, often multiple commercials, sometimes two in a row. These are shows that come over the US networks, where they can advertise directly to patients.  It is everywhere and impossible to ignore! I have noticed that even the talk shows seem to be highlighting people and families that are dealing with cancer or who have survived cancer. It is then, that my own reality comes roaring back.  Oh yeah, that's me, I'm a member of the cancer club.  It is sad and disappointing to say that prior to my own cancer diagnosis, I really didn't notice or pay much attention to cancer. Now I can't escape it.

Sometimes I forget what it was like 'before cancer'. I am now in my seventeenth month since being diagnosed with esophageal cancer. At that time, being here at seventeen months after my diagnosis was not even a possibility or part of the discussion.  That was the dream, to be an outlier! It has been a whirlwind since that fateful day back in September 2019. Sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago. I remember being so excited for the start of my retirement, excited for our planned retirement trips and exciting adventures that were upon us. Little did we know that we would have to detour, postpone and alter our plans due to an unplanned and unwelcome adventure that would take us on a medical roller coaster ride. This ride has had many ups and downs and plateaus along the way. I guess it is the ride of our life, for better or worse.

Sometimes forgetting is a good thing but I will never forget the love and support from my wife, family, friends and colleagues. You are what keeps me going, keeps me positive and keeps me hoping! 

I will always remember and be thankful,


Friday, February 12, 2021

B is for Biopsy

This week brought me back to Southlake Hospital in Newmarket for a liver biopsy.  Although the hospital was fairly quiet, I was still quite surprised to see fairly large numbers of people in the day surgery waiting room. The entire procedure from start to finish was about four and a half hours, although the procedure itself seemed to take less than half an hour. Surprisingly quick and painless, mind you I might have been sedated, so it could have taken a little longer than it seemed. I have to take it easy for a few days (no easy for the Energizer Bunny, but I am trying!).

This biopsy was scheduled by my oncologist to get a better understanding of what is happening with my liver.  This biopsy will hopefully provide us with some much needed new information about the tumours in my liver. Those three stubborn tumors that seem to be resisting all forms of treatment and continue to grow. How dare they! They may be stubborn, but I'm just as stubborn as they are!  Hopefully the results will show some biomarkers and results, that will open up some clinical trials options.   

In the meantime, life goes on! I'm going to try and take it easy for the next week and heal up.  This weekend brings both  Valentines Day and Family Day! Both centre around love and taking a little time to pause and recognize those we love, especially our families. I am so fortunate to have a wife and family that love me. I love them more than words can say. They are my life! I don't know what I would do without them. Michelle is my sweet valentine. She provides me with unconditional love and support. She masks her concern and worry very well, but she has had a few sleepless nights, keeping watch over me as I recover.  We are looking forward to getting some rest this weekend!  Our three kids are the best thing that ever happened to us. We are so proud of each of our children.  I hope they know it.  Family Day gives us that special reason to let them know, and to pause and show how happy I am to have them and our family. This weekend we celebrate love. We celebrate family. 

B is for biopsy, but it is also the "B" in Be my Valentine.

Wishing you a wonderful long weekend. Enjoy your family and spread some love!


Friday, February 5, 2021

Not Playing the Waiting Game!

I was going to call this week's blog, The Waiting Game, mostly because that is what our/my life seems to be right now, a never ending waiting game! Waiting for test results, waiting for next steps in my treatment and waiting for this lockdown to be lifted so life can return to some sort of 'the new normal'. Most of all we are waiting to check off more of our family bucket list items that are currently on hold. I guess we are all experiencing our own personal waiting game. This week, when I was discussing possible blog topics and titles with Michelle, like we do most weeks, she quickly pointed out that despite the waiting game that we are on, life still goes on, and despite cancer touching our lives, we've all made conscious efforts not to wait and to keep moving forward.

She reminded me that we really do have so much to celebrate and be thankful for, even during these dark times. While we feel like we are 'stuck in neutral' , life continues on for better or worse. She was quick to remind me of all the "better" moments that have been happening in our family's life over the past few weeks and months. It really helped to refocus my thoughts and reflect on some of the good milestones and positives. Sometimes we can get lost in a never ending cycle of negativity and disappointments, focused on cancer and treatments, and waiting for the next best thing, or any thing really, to happen. So with this in mind, and with a refocused attitude, I have to share that we actually have been doing more and we are not always playing a waiting game!

Over the past few weeks we have many instances to celebrate and be thankful for the blessings that have come our way. Michelle just accepted a new global role with her company.  She has worked hard for this and we are so very proud of her and I am so glad I am here to share it with her. Despite our personal family obstacles and support she gives me, she has remained strong and continues to be focused on loving us but also providing excellence in her career.  It's not easy and I know how worried she is about everything, but she keeps going.  Jonathan has completed his university degree and is exploring a variety of options that will use his skills and talents. He recently has been doing some stock footage/time lapse 4K video and posting it for sale.  Not easy to keep moving forward, when much of the film industry has slowed, and just when you are trying to launch.  Josh continues to move ahead in his job and at the same time he is exploring further post university studies. Not easy to keep working and advancing during a pandemic and we are so proud of him.  Sophie, our youngest, is a candidate to graduate with distinction from Queens, and has just completed her application to a Masters program. Her little sticker shop "Opal and Fern" just celebrated its first anniversary and has generated over two thousand item sales in its first year. An amazing achievement. Not easy to keep excelling at university and launching a business, when I know how worried she is about me, when she should be just enjoying her university years, but she keeps on reaching and we are so proud.  Even I have kept moving forward.  On a personal note, I supported a colleague in writing an article for the Canadian Association of Principals journal focused on leadership during the pandemic, was named as an author and it was published this month. This is one more  bucket item that I can cross off the list!  

Other positives include the health of my family remains good (except for me of course). We are generally happy and are managing/coping pretty well during this pandemic. Despite the constraints, we seem to be navigating it pretty well (even with five adults under one roof) at least from my point of view. Our little Lily continues to be the bright light for all of us and we just adore her. What a wonderful addition to our family.  

Michelle is right, we aren't  stuck in neutral, life goes on, we go on, and we need to appreciate these moments, the effort and celebrate all along the way!

No more waiting!


Friday, January 29, 2021

Back to the Drawing Board......

Well we got that dreaded phone call again! This week my oncologist called to share the results of my most recent CT scan. These scans are regularly scheduled on a quarterly basis to keep track of the progress/lack of progress of my cancer treatment. You might remember that after my last CT scan, we got a call from my oncologist a day later with bad news. He regrettably explained that my current treatment wasn't working to halt the growth of my cancer tumours and therefore this  line of treatment would have to be discontinued and I was started on the third line of treatment option, or what we affectionately called "Plan C". He indicated that this was the last line of defense that they have available and approved to deal with my cancer. With it came the return of 'bottle buddy', the PICC line back in and bi-weekly trips to the chemo suite! We'd been on this path for about 3 months, and it was time for another scan.

This time around we got no early phone call after my CT scan. This had to mean that this was good news, right?  I was wrong! It was not good news.

On the scheduled call, he indicated that the third line of treatment I was currently on was unfortunately providing mixed results. Although most of my tumours remained stable, the tumours in my liver were actually growing. Not by much, but they were continuing to grow. This meant that this line of treatment wasn't being successful. It was not doing its job.  

Disappointing news for sure and very upsetting for our family. What was next? Was there a plan D for me? This third line of treatment was considered the final level 
of defense for esophageal cancer.  What I have going for me, is that despite what the CT scan is showing, I feel pretty well and functioning as normal.  But no doubt about it, cancer in your liver is not good news. I have once again been referred to the Princess Margaret Hospital to seek eligibility in some newer and earlier phase cancer clinical trials that hopefully this time I will qualify for. Our hope is that there will be one that is safe, appropriate for me and has some promising results. Fingers crossed.

I guess I should consider myself lucky. Most patients with esophageal cancer don't make it this far or for this long. I am truly an outlier! This was our hope and dream. I guess we will now need to be  trailblazers too!  With persistence, a positive attitude, the love and strength of my wife and family and just a little bit of luck, I will continue to be a positive outlier! 

Staying positive, staying hopeful and planning to pave a new trail for myself and others to come! 

Thank you for your continued care and concern. It is so much appreciated.

Plan D, here I come!


Friday, January 22, 2021

I Want to Break Free!

Another week in lockdown. Another week with 'stay at home' orders in effect, meaning a continuation of minimal human contacts, lack of varied, rich life experiences and the continuation of our perpetual Groundhog Day, as Michelle highlighted in last week's blog post. To add to the misery we are in the middle of January with cold days, a lack of sustained sunshine and the 'winter blahs' in full effect. 

I must admit that I am going a bit stir crazy! I'm starting to get cabin fever. Basically we are spending all of our time at home, only going out for the occasional walk or going to get groceries. Who would have thought that driving to the grocery store would be the highlight of the day! Not me, that's for sure. On the positive side-- we are saving on gas! 

I love my family and the time we are able to spend together, but I also miss meeting up with and talking with my friends, colleagues face to face! I miss going out to a restaurant, to a movie, to a Leafs game or even walking the halls of our local mall.  I was never much of a mall shopper and while online shopping is great, it just doesn't have the same appeal. I'm sure we all feel the same way. I'm happy that I decided to return to work part time as a principal in elementary virtual learning. This has given me some much needed daily variety, an opportunity to meaningfully contribute and support my fellow educators during these challenging times.  I often find that when you help out others you also have the benefit of helping yourself!  This activity has helped me to successfully survive these long winter days and keeps me busy and mentally engaged. It helps to fill my day with purpose. 

I have to admit that I think that this isolation is beginning to have an impact on my personal mental health and well-being. Staying positive at times, is becoming more and more difficult.  I am thankful that I am still healthy and able to engage in life fully (from the comfort of my home anyway lol) but I am angry that this pandemic may be robbing me of the adventures that are not possible at this time. My worry is that I will begin to deteriorate prior to the re-opening up of our society and I will have lost the chance to complete some of my bucket list items with my family. I want to travel, I want to be with my other family and friends as much as possible. I want to eat out, go to the theatre and go to a cottage or resort.   My time is limited and time is slipping away. When will this end!

Unfortunately there is nothing that I/we can really do about it. It is what it is. We need to make the best if it.  I continue to use all of my strategies to remain mentally healthy, stay positive and remain hopeful. Some days are easier than others. I know that there are others out there that have bigger struggles then me. How are they coping at this time? Thank goodness I have Michelle and my children to help me through these difficult times. I am so blessed. I try to reach out to others that I know that don't necessarily have the same support systems that I have. I encourage you to reach out to those in your life that you know may not have support and may need your help. Check in on them, reach out to offer them support as best as you can. We all need to help each other out during these difficult times. 

I also want to take this time to say thank you to all of you that continue to reach out to my family and I! It means a great deal to me. 

Trying to stay positive! 

We can get through this. We can!


Friday, January 15, 2021

GroundHog Day!

This week's blog comes courtesy of My Michelle!

We really are seeing some unprecedented times, with our province having recently put Ontarians under emergency order to stay home to help reduce the spread of COVID and hopefully reduce the strain on our health care system.  For us in the Erdmann household, it feels pretty much like business as usual, as we have been dealing with the lock down conditions of recent weeks being part of the GTA, and also the lifestyle choices we have made,  being careful with Richard and cognizant of his immunocompromised status.  

We have been very fortunate, and while the news coverage  reports of delays in treatments and care for many patients, Richard remains being seen and receiving treatment right on schedule.  We had only one scary experience where he was on a "waitlist" for the infusion chair at his regularly scheduled treatment day, but in the end a "chair" opened up, and in he went.  It was a frightening few days, and we felt very powerless and at the mercy of the system. 

 As you know, with the current restrictions at Southlake Regional Health Centre, patients cannot bring a support person in with them for their treatments, and I have to leave Richard at the "Kiss and Ride" by the door.  Richard has shared that the cancer clinic is always "full" and many people are quite frail and ill looking.  It makes me very sad to think how cancer is touching so many people's lives, their loved ones and re-writing how their lives were to be.  I try to stay in the moment and be thankful for what we have,  that Richard is doing well and not think of what might have been.   I truly am thankful that we have had care and treatments, experienced no delays, and have had more time together - I do not take this for granted.

I think that cancer treatment in the time of COVID is a blessing and a curse - it makes it easier for us to cocoon at home and reduce his exposure to potential illness, but it also adds an additional layer of concern and a health threat that was not there before.  It also limits how we can spend our precious time.  While I wouldn't change a thing and spending time together is what really matters, it does get a little tiresome not being able to do just a few more things that we always really enjoyed such as going out for breakfast together, enjoying a beautiful meal at a restaurant, or just poking around in little shops and doing a little shopping.  Simple little things, that we truly miss.

We are beginning to feel a little bit like that movie "GroundHog Day", reliving the same day over and over.  Embarrassingly, the highlight of the days are definitely going out for a walk with Lily and stopping at the mailbox, and "oh happy day" when there is a delivery at the door to break up the boredom!

While right now, every day seems kind of the same and we are in a bit of  'on repeat' loop, I bet that one day we will all look back and find that one of these boring and ordinary days, were the best days of all!

So if I have to be in a "GroundHog Day", I am so glad to be able to spend it with you! ......"But honey, what day is it again today?"

Love Michelle

Friday, January 8, 2021

New Year, New Hope!

Well 2021 is finally upon us and we have kicked 2020 "to the curb" and we all can surely say, "what a year it was!" I am thankful for the fresh start that the new year will hopefully bring us all, but remain concerned/cautious based on the news and events so far this past week--this is not promising! But selfishly, I am thankful that I am here and still have hope!

Each year I participate in the #oneword initiative on Twitter. At the beginning of each new year, Twitter users are asked to give their one word that describes their aspiration for the coming year. This year I picked the word HOPE. 

I have HOPE that we will once again be able to come together to hug, break bread and laugh together. We all really need to get back to close contact with our families and friends. 

I have HOPE that as a community, country and society we can all do better in terms of the way we are treating each other. There remains so much division, hatred and mistrust. We can and must do better. We all need to be a part of the solution. 

I have HOPE that my chemotherapy treatment will continue to work so that I can continue with life as normal as possible. My current treatment has allowed me to basically function normally with minimal side effects. I continue to be blessed. I am HOPEFUL and THANKFUL.  I have a lot of living still to do for me, for my family and much, much more time with Michelle.

Without HOPE there is despair. I can't imagine living with despair. Despite all of the hardships, trials and tribulations that my family and I have gone through this past year and a half, we remain optimistic and positive. Let's stay positive and hopeful for the future. 

Have HOPE!


Friday, December 18, 2020

For the Birds!

Well this is the final week before the holiday season officially begins for the Erdmann family. Michelle, Jon and Joshua will be off work for the holidays and Sophia has finished the last of her exams and essays for the term. I am so looking forward to the holidays. Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year. I love the decorations, the lights, the food and the cookies (can't wait to eat all of those cookies)! I am counting my lucky stars that for now, the chemo seems to be working and I'm able to eat most everything.  Bring on that turkey dinner!  For us, Christmas  is a great time to slow down, reconnect and do things that we normally don't have time to get to do. 

Last year our son Joshua bought Michelle and I a wonderful Christmas gift that we make use of each day during the winter. He gave us a bird feeder, a North American bird calendar and bird themed hats. It was a very thoughtful gift. Both Michelle and I love to bird watch, especially from our comfortable chairs in our kitchen. We strategically placed the feeder so that we have a great view of the birds. (We might have had to move it a time or two, to get just the right spot!). We love to see the large majestic Blue Jays and vibrant red Cardinals, along with a variety of other birds that visit our feeder. This summer our feeder had a visit from a rare blue bird, they are gradually coming back to Southern Ontario - it was the most beautiful and vibrant shade of blue.  Nature is amazing!  Occasionally we get a visit from a local squirrel or two who try to get their fill of the seeds too. Although not a welcomed visitor (based on the amount of seeds they eat), a squirrel has to eat too, right?

We love identifying new birds that come to the feeder. It is surprising how many different birds rely on the feeders over the winter. Chickadees are the most common visitors but we do seem to have a pair of Blue Jay and Cardinals that are frequent visitors. We enjoy that they come in pairs to the feeder, a male and female couple. I am still trying to get a good photo of them both. Easier said than done! They seem to visit when my camera is not easily accessible or become easily spooked when I try to take a photo of them. Interestingly some of the other birds are more than willing to remain at the feeder even if I am approaching the feeder to get a good shot.

We say that we are doing it for the birds, keeping them fed over the long, cold winter months, but actually we are doing it for us, as a family. Feeding and watching the birds is another wonderful distraction from our daily worries and troubles. They give us small moments of joy and wonder each day and a reminder that despite what we are going through, life must, and does, go on. Sometimes our feeder will be emptied in just two days. It is our pleasure to refill it to see who will visit next.  

This will be the final blog post for 2020. We can all agree that we are happy to see this year come to an end. We are looking forward to all the promise of better times in the new year. Let's hope they come true for us all.  Over the next two weeks I will be focusing on family and relaxation. My Personal Cancer Journey blog will return in the first week of January. My treatments are going well so far, I am enjoying life, we are staying the course!

Wishing you and your families a wonderful, restful holiday season. Take advantage of this time to reconnect and make some new family memories. Don't forget to feed the birds (and squirrels too).

Look forward to seeing you in 2021!


Friday, December 11, 2020

Let the countdown begin!

Each passing day gets us one step closer to the holidays. I don't know about you, but I am really looking forward to spending some quality time with my family. Although we are currently spending each day together at home doing virtual learning and virtual working, we surprisingly don't really have that much time to actually sit with each other and enjoy each other's company. Michelle and I have our morning coffees together, then head off to our home offices to begin working. She goes to her office and I set up my office in the kitchen lol! All our children are busy with virtual classes, work etc. too. We do get a few hours together at the end of each day but really not that much time after making dinner and cleaning up. I don't know about you, but we get very sleepy at around 8 p.m. these days! It could be the early sunsets or that winter is now officially arrived, but we are going to bed earlier and earlier these days.

I am happy to announce that we are almost done with the Christmas decorating, our trees are up and our Christmas gift shopping list is almost complete. This weekend is Christmas cookie baking time. Can't wait to dig into the wide selection of delicious cookies that Michelle always makes for us and our family. I am so surprised that the kids notice all the traditions and special routines we have at Christmas. This year we tried to scale back the 'two Christmas tree' tradition. The kids were having none of it! Once again the Erdmann's have two real trees up and decorated.  Oh well, maybe next year.  


I feel so fortunate to be able to celebrate the holidays once again with my family. It really wasn't certain that I would be here to celebrate the holidays again this year based on the my oncologists projections. I am glad I am still here beating the odds! Even though we can't visit our extended family this year, we will do some virtual visits online. Not the same, but we are glad that we at least have this option to connect. Family is so important.

I must say that treatment doesn't stop for the holidays! Chemotherapy continues for me even during these special times. I will be spending New Year's Eve day in the chemo suite! I guess there will be no wild partying at the Erdmann household this New Year's Eve! Raise a glass for us when you celebrate the start of 2021. Hopefully this new year will be more 'normal' for all of us.



Thursday, December 3, 2020


Today is Thursday, which means it is chemo day! Every other Thursday, I make the short trip to my local hospital to get my bi-weekly chemo infusions. This morning while savouring my first morning cup of coffee and prior to my morning appointment, Michelle asked me how I was feeling today.  I told her I felt pretty good, definitely at least an 8/10.  Michelle asked me if I ever resented having to go for chemo? Does it bother me or am I worried or dreading chemo days. My response was rather quick, and I told her that I did not resent it at all. This may not be totally honest.....

I must say that these bi-weekly treatments have really become rather routine now. It is really just a part of my life and there is not much that I can do to change that. I don't really have any other options at this time. I have come to accept it. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely better things that I could and would be doing with my time if it was an option. I must say that it is really a small price to pay to hopefully prolong my life as long as humanly possible. So far it has kept me fairly healthy and able to fully function in all of aspects of daily life. My hope is it will stay that way for a long time to come.

This round of chemo, which is my third line of treatment, takes approximately 3.5 hours to complete. I usually use this time to take out my laptop and write my weekly blog post (like I am doing today). At other times, I scroll my social media feeds or do some other work. Thankfully the hospital now has free internet for cancer patients. Distracting myself and keeping busy helps to make the time go faster. I also bring along my headphones and use them to play music during my stay. This helps to drown out the conversations, beeps, rings (that seem to be going off constantly) and discussions happening all around me. I must say that there really isn't much privacy in a chemo suite. There are six chairs per chemo pod and they are relatively close in proximity and only separated by curtains, which are not even closed most of the time.  

I do notice that on 'chemo days' my family and I seem a little more apprehensive and somewhat melancholy. We all seem a little more subdued on chemo days. I guess this is because these days are a bi-weekly reminder that I have cancer and a reminder of the way it has changed all of our lives forever. I have even noticed our little Lily giving me a little more love and attention on chemo days.  How do they know that something is not just right?  

If Wednesdays are known as  'hump day' then Thursdays are known as  'chemo day' in the Erdmann household. I guess even though our family doesn't really look forward to chemo days all that much, another Thursday chemo day means more time together as a family and time to enjoy what life has to offer us all - Looking forward to many more Thursdays!

So reflecting back on that conversation this morning, today I do feel pretty good, I'm taking the opportunity to have chemo treatments as a good thing, having hope and grateful for so many things that I do have, and choosing not to be resentful and choosing to stay positive!


Friday, November 27, 2020

Holiday Traditions

This week's blog comes courtesy of My Michelle.

One of the big traditions in our house, like many of yours I am sure, is the setting up of the Christmas lights outdoors and on the house.  Our house is quite high, being a two story, so it has been very rare that we get up to the second floor or light the peaks.  I remember one year Richard and I thought we could do it - well we did, but let me tell you it was a lot like that Chevy Chase scene with a leaning ladder, a knot full of lights, and a few tempers might have flared as in the movie "Christmas Vacation"!  

This year the kids wanted to go all out and "deck the halls" so off we went to Canadian Tire and loaded up with a new colour scheme, new lights and the requisite extension cords.  Our son Josh was adamant he could get up the ladder to reach that second floor peak over the garage and the living room.  We had our hands full keeping Richard off the ladder.  There he was with his chemo "bottle buddy" infusing under his jacket, and right in there with the cords, lights and votes of confidence.  No way he was being left out of it!  I, of course was panicked that someone would fall, but gamely took my turn as one of the "spotters" on the ladder.  I have to say the guys did a fabulous job and the the lights were so beautiful under the snowy night sky this week.  There were no falls, just a sliver or two, so a good experience overall. Looking up at those peaks though, I'm thinking maybe those lights might end up staying up for a season or two!

I know that the kids will want me to start to get the other holiday decorations up this weekend.  It is always such a fun time to reminisce as we dig out all the old decorations, some we've had for years, some the kids made, some that were special gifts and many we have collected as we have travelled on various vacations around the world.  We  still have the original "Our First Christmas Together" ornament, as well as the ones that were given to us for "Baby's First Christmas".  So many memories of so many wonderful Christmases past.

Another tradition that our family is eagerly awaiting is the holiday baking.  Richard's appetite is hit and miss at times these days and I'm always looking to find "that thing" he loves and would enjoy.  He has put in his request for some of his favourites and I'll have to get going on all of this soon!  

I have to admit, I am not really in the Christmas spirit this year.  I am going through the motions:  I watch the movies, I help with the lights, I do the decorating, I plan for the baking.  This is a year unlike any other for so many of us.  Our traditions will be a little different, we may not be able to be under the same roof with all of our family and friends. We'll all just have to dig deep, no matter what our circumstances, and find a way to find the joy and enjoy the moments we have.

One thing I know for sure, is that this old house, sure will be looking good!

Wishing you joy,

Love Michelle

Friday, November 20, 2020

What's for Dinner?

I don't know about in your household, but at the Erdmann's, "What's for dinner?" is a daily question that we ask ourselves.  It seems to be a daily dilemma for our family. With five adults living under one roof, all with varying tastes, appetites, diets and opinions, it is a lingering question that takes some time to answer each day. Often we are left with 3 different opinions and find it difficult to come to some form of consensus. In this case we sometimes just give up and let everyone order their own take out to solve the problem. Our kids are "Uber Eats" specialists. I can't bring myself to use these food delivery services, I find them wasteful and too indulgent (although I must admit, we have asked our kids to order on our behalf a time or two!)

I wish someone would have told me that being an adult/parent meant that you are forever cursed with this daily dilemma. Deciding on and making dinner is a chore! Remembering to take some meat out of the freezer in the morning to give it time to defrost in time for dinner is a chore. Chopping up all the veggies for the meal is a chore. I can see why those meal preparation companies are doing so well. Sometimes you just don't feel like preparing or cooking a meal. 

Michelle and I are pretty easy going and would be happy with a bowl of soup, a sandwich or some cheese and crackers for dinner. Unfortunately our kids don't feel the same way. 
We are also happy to have leftovers for dinner which makes the decision easy for us, at least for one night. The problem, again is that our children don't like leftovers either. This really limits your options when you are trying to make everyone happy.

We've tried different strategies to share some of the "what's for dinner" angst with our kids - having each person responsible for a day of the week, having them help with menu planning, taking them to the grocery store to help stock the pantry to try and ward off the "there's nothing to eat in here".  While we love our snack foods as much as the next person, we really try to buy building blocks for meals, or ingredients, so it's true - there's not alot of prepared foods that you can just grab and zap!

The ''what's for dinner" dilemma is even more complicated now with my cancer diagnosis. Having esophageal cancer has limited my food options in varying degrees. In one of my earliest blog posts, Food, Glorious Food, I talked about how food impacts our lives in so many ways and how you should not take eating for granted. I am once again beginning to struggle with some of my favourite foods. No more steak, roast beef and even sometimes chicken (depending on how it is cooked) for me. I do miss a deliciously cooked steak. Sometimes I cut off a very small piece and savour the flavours.  I find that cutting up my meats into smaller pieces for chewing helps. Sometimes, my hiccups remind me to slow down. Often it is Sophie reminding me to take my time or to cut smaller pieces, as old habits die hard. I have always been a fast eater. I guess it comes from being an educator and school administrator, always eating on the run, living by the school bell. 

My family has encouraged me to start drinking protein supplement drinks again to ensure that I am getting enough protein and vitamins in my diet. I must say that they bring back very bad memories! I have been avoiding them. When I was on a liquid only diet in the early days of coping with the effects of my disease, these drinks were my main source of food, along with pureed foods and soups. I really hope I don't return to those days again. I still avoid most soups and don't really enjoy them the way I used to anymore. 

I don't think that we will ever solve the "What's for dinner" dilemma in our household. You may have a similar problem in your house. I am fortunate we have some good cooks in the family, so once we do decide, it's usually very good!  It's just coming up with the ideas that is getting kind of "old".  Tips and suggestions are always welcome. 

What are you having for dinner tonight?  

Please just don't say ...."Soup's on!". LOL
